Jewish Community Relations Council

JCRC serves as our primary engagement for relationships with elected officials, both state and local, faith-based groups, civic groups, and schools, both public and private. JCRC assist families when issues of antisemitism or discrimination arise in school settings. Families and community members are encouraged to report this type of activity on our reporting form.
The JCRC Social Justice Seder is our flagship event and takes place each year in the week before the Passover holiday. This seder represents diversity in action and incorporates the social justice themes inherent in the seder, freedom, justice, feeding the hungry, and redeeming the captive, to highlight and address modern social justice issues. The event is hosted at the Gordon Jewish Community Center to provide an opportunity for our community partners to come to our house to learn and celebrate. Over 350 friends, neighbors and guests attend the program to learn and recommit to action steps to promote a more just, pluralistic and democratic society.